This I Believe
King, Robert S.
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And now, This I Believe, the living philosophies of thoughtful men and women, presented in the hope they may strengthen your beliefs so that your life may be richer, fuller, happier. Here is Edward R. Murrow.
This I Believe. Robert S. King was born and raised in vaudeville. With time out to write short stories and serials for pulp magazines, he has been connected with the stage, radio, movies and television all his life. After eighteen years as a cameraman at leading Hollywood studios, he is now a television cameraman for such shows as "I Love Lucy" and "Our Miss Brooks." He is managing editor of the American Television Script Library. Here now is Robert S. King.
Having been rather a bad boy in my extreme youth, the precepts I follow now and the things I believe in were brought about perhaps most strongly by the fact that I have been endowed with a goodly smattering of old New England commonsense. Born and brought up by theatrical parents in various New England towns, I was constantly in trouble with the authorities because of my insatiable desire for an automobile. And this caused me to participate in many unauthorized and illegal joy rides in borrowed vehicles.
My mother and father were constantly getting me out of scrapes. Eventually I landed in the penitentiary charged with, believe it or not, an offense I did not commit. It was a providential event, however, for
it set my hitherto slumbering brain to working. After I spent a year of solemn meditation in the penitentiary, my mother again came to my rescue and wrangled a governorÕs pardon for me. A few years later, my mother passed on to her reward at the tender age of 39 years. It was a shock from which I have not as yet fully recovered.
My strict upbringing at last came to the fore. I thought deeply upon my unhappy past and decided that I had to change my ways. A friend who understood my adolescent problems made me a present of an old beaten-up jalopy, and I was in heaven. I worked and saved to fix the car and gradually got the machine operating. I had past the formative years and was slowly reaching the age of decision. This gift seemed
to wipe out entirely my criminal tendencies. My first goal was success. It took many years, however, before I realized that a manÕs ideas and beliefs are what constitute his success.
First and foremost, I now believe in a supreme God who rules over all things on Earth. This Supreme Being, or unknowable essence, has laid down all the laws of life, including the laws of science, of which hardly any have as yet been discovered. I believe in an everlasting life. I believe, while here on this Earth, the deeds, words, and thoughts that we execute or contain within ourselves will have a direct bearing on a life that is to come after the so-called death.
I believe in the oneness of mankind. As I consider the chaotic conditions of the world of this age, I
know that were we to follow more closely the Golden Rule in its true spirit, we would be without wars, famine, and fear. I believe prejudices, of which that I have many in the past, must be abolished from my mind completely. National prejudice, racial prejudice, color prejudice, class prejudice, all had combined to promote disharmony and unhappiness in my own personal life.
I believe that a universal language would be a tremendous step forward in promoting world peace. Worldwide equal opportunities for education would also go a long way toward promoting personal and international harmony. Some day, I believe and hope, the nations of the world will be as closely knit together in brotherhood as the states of the United States, perhaps even more closely, with no trade
barriers, no custom barriers, and in complete harmony and accord.
And lastly, but by no means the least important, is my belief in love. All the rest, as a matter of fact, is closely associated with love. It is a scientific law of love that is one of the most fundamental in life, and in my own personal wanderings over the face of this globe, I have seen that love is the reigning influence throughout the universe. It was the love of my mother and the love of my friend who started me on the road to a successful life. It has been the love of my fellow man which has sustained me when, comparatively speaking, I may not have one dime to rub against another. As long as I keep these beliefs uppermost in my mind, I consider myself a successful man in the general scheme of
Those were the beliefs of Robert S. King, for whom an act of understanding meant the difference between a career of crime and a useful life.