This I Believe
Day, George Martin
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And now, This I Believe. Here is Edward R. Murrow.
This I Believe. George M. Day is professor emeritus of Occidental College. In 1906, he represented the YMCA and then the Red Cross in Russia, where he remained until 1917. For 27 years, he was professor of sociology at Occidental College. Here now is George M. Day.
The things I believe are the product not only of rich personal experiences but also of the profound influence on my life of my father and a few very good friends. My beliefs are distilled from the varied and colorful events of an active life, and especially from the reading of the great literary giants of the world.
First of all, I believe with the social anthropologists that there is neither a superior nor an inferior race. In each race are to be found differing and compensating traits and qualities. Inherent goodness and excellence are discoverable in each. It remains for most of us to acquire sufficient wit and to cultivate enough modesty and humility to discover and appreciate these human values. I further believe that as cultural differences between peoples are better understood and appreciated, the more firmly will the ties of brotherhood unite the nations of the Earth into one human family; for the forces that unite are stronger than those that separate peoples.
Certainly, I believe in God. While theologically I believe in an imminent and transcendental
God--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--in my private life, God is a living presence, fresh as the morning dew, a very present help in time of trouble; constant companion, sustainer, comforter, inspirer. To me, He is truly the divine Father of all men, thus making all men potential brothers and potential sons of God. Also, the God I believe in is constantly at work in His world, and I can readily believe that God's ways are often past finding out, ways that are baffling and filled with mystery.
As in olden time, pagan potentates unwittingly fulfilled the will of Jehovah, so today I can believe, although with difficulty, that God used Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and their ilk, for the high purposes of His own, that are beyond our kin or comprehension, possibly to test the faith and courage of His
On the other hand, I believe that ultimately the American people and the Russian people will work together in harmony, using their power and influence for the healing of the nations. I believe it is the meek--at times, yes, the terrible meek--who will inherent the earth. They are concerned neither with conquering nor with ruling the Earth. Their only desire is to enter into their inheritance. They seek both justice and mercy. They are nourished by the milk of human kindness. All that they wish is to live in dignity and peace and let their fellows enjoy the same privilege.
To me, the most wonderful thing of all is that there are true children of God, discoverable throughout
the entire world--meek, humble, yet inwardly strong, who are not only alive and alert but are effectively working together with God, the Father of us all. These kindred spirits are the leaven of the Kingdom of God, a mighty, unifying, triumphant force in the world. Jesus once said, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth." This I believe.
Those were the beliefs of George M. Day of Los Angeles, student of Russian affairs, whose beliefs give him hope of eventual harmony between the American and Russian peoples.