This I Believe

Werner, Herbert L.

And now, This I Believe, a series of living philosophies presented in the hope they may help to strengthen and enrich your life. Here is Edward R. Murrow.
This I Believe. Herbert L. Werner is an expert on management problems. He is the head of Werner Textile Consultants, a firm which helps to work out manufacturing processes and labor relations for the textile industries of the United States, Canada, and Europe. In his work, Herbert Werner has found that human relations are a big factor in industry. Here is what he has come to believe about his own life.
My father died
when I was only 15 years old. From him, as well as from my mother, who was full of love and understanding, there was instilled in me the belief that to the Ten Commandments there might well be added an eleventh: Thou shalt be kind to thy fellow men. Throughout my business, family, and social life, I have tried to live by it. I believe it pays off in peace of mind, in personal satisfaction, and in a sense of greater contribution to making this a better world to live in.
It is not always easy to live by this commandment, just as it is often difficult to follow some of the other Commandments. In the daily struggle for existence, and in encountering the hostilities
and antagonisms which are still a part of our life, one's faith in such a principle can easily be shaken. Still, this endeavor to be kind enriches my life and my relationship to other people. It even adds, I am sure, to success in my profession. It makes me believe in the dignity of the individual. It makes me realize how important freedom of action, of belief, and of expression; the feeling of belonging, of being accepted, are to each individual.
As many still do today, I learned these things during the many years of my life in Europe. I know, from my own experience, what they mean in making one's own life, as well as that of others, a fuller and happier one. I always try to
give those with whom I come in contact every opportunity to express themselves fully. I try to be kind and considerate of the other person's point of view. I know how important it is for everybody to feel that he is wanted and appreciated, and therefore I welcome ideas from others. Obviously, I know I am not perfect, but these are the principles I try to live by. To be kind, to believe in, and to be granted; the dignity of the individual is in my belief the foundation of all human relations. It applies at all levels: in the home, in business, in industry, and even in public life.
For my
travels and work in many countries in the world, I have come to the conclusion that the greatest strength of the American people--and the one we have feared to communicate to the people of the world--is our underlying faith and conviction in the concept, thou shalt be kind to thy fellow man. It is hardly ever expressed in just those words; yet it is, by and large, lived by.
To me that is more than all the natural resources we have; what makes America great. It has brought more good things, more happiness, and
more freedom to me, and I believe to more people, than any other human trait. With each passing year I realize, more and more, that by trying to be kind to my fellow man, in spite of disappointments I've had, I'm achieving deep, inner satisfaction and greater peace of mind than can come from any other source.
That was Herbert L. Werner of New York. In 1951, he headed an ECA management seminar for top industrialists of western Europe.