This I Believe

Ingram, Billy

  • Edgar William "Billy" Ingram describes his belief that humans need companionship, that life has a purpose, and that success and happiness come through contributing to the sum of human achievement. Audio contains an advertisement for the LP release of "This I Believe" essays. Edgar William "Billy" Ingram describes his belief that humans need companionship, that life has a purpose, and that success ... read more
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And now, This I Believe. Here is Edward R. Murrow.
This I Believe. Edgar W. Ingram is a businessman. He went into the food and restaurant business and developed the White Castle System, Inc. which is known for its chain of hamburger specialty shops. Here now is Edgar Ingram.
My earlier years after high school were devoted to making a living, which at times was not too certain. I became interested and active in Lodge work, which taught a philosophy of human relations and which to a large extent formed the foundation of my personal beliefs. You cannot memorize, carry in your head, and practically preach the ideas and ideals contained in such sentences as: Confidence in
the honesty of men's purposes and intentions. No man is truly wise who is not kind and courteous. How best to work and best agree. And: Unite in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness, without having them affect your belief, your actions and your relations with other people.
One of man's greatest needs appears to be the need of human companionship. He wants to be a member of the group or gang, and wants to be known and recognized as such. Most men resent charity or help in many forms, and have the desire and ambition to do things for themselves. There is within them the natural and compelling desire for freedom and independence. And the equally natural resentment of regulation or restraint. And individual freedom of thought and action can be as applicable, important,
and beneficial in our business affairs as it is in our national life. The events of life through which we pass, whether they are wholly individual pertaining to the community, of national scope, or of worldwide proportions, are affected by and result from human relations in some form.
Best blest and beset by a multitude of temperamental, emotion, and physical variations, and with the constant need of human companionship. We seek pleasure in many forms, but our greatest joy seems to be the joy of achievement which is always and only the result of work. Work in its many forms seems to be a fundamental part of the purpose of life. To build to create, to accomplish, to do, seems to give man his greatest joy and his greatest mental satisfaction.
This I believe. That there is a purpose to life. That this purpose, ultimately will be achieved. That man is gradually widening the gap between himself and the rest of the animal kingdom. And that, although his physical needs are similar, his attributes above and beyond the physical are being extended. In the fulfillment of a man's life, whether he be an artisan, a doctor, a scientist, a politician, or in any of the many activities of life that are beneficial, helpful and good, If he contributes to the success of his chosen work, he will by that contribution, unite in the grand design of being happy, and communicating happiness. It is an avenue to success and contentment within itself.
That was Edgar W. Ingram of Columbus, Ohio, who is president of the White Castle System,
This I Believe is now a Columbia LP record album. Two records, with two exciting new ideas, commentary by Edward R. Murrow. First, the beliefs of ten living Americans. Second, the beliefs of ten immortals, including Socrates, Lincoln, Queen Victoria, Will Rogers, Confucius and Ghandi, written by their most famous biographers, spoken by their best portrayers, Helen Hayes, Katharine Cornell, Raymond Massey, Jose Ferrer, and others. See the This I Believe LP album at your record dealer today.