Examining the Influence of an Ill- and Well-defined Problems in a First-Year Engineering Design Course

Swenson, Jessica E.

Schnedeker, Marya

Coppola, Sarah

Madariaga, Leonardo Andres

  • Many first-year programs begin with a course that includes one or a few projects to excite and engage students in engineering. These projects vary from real world client based to socially relevant discipline based to design-build-test-compete to robotics based challenges. Each of these courses contain various learning goals including the engineering design process, communication skills, teamwork, ... read more
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  • Swenson, J., Schnedeker, M., Coppola, S., and Madariaga, L. (2015) Examining the Influence of an Ill- and Well-defined Problems in a First-Year Engineering Design Course. In Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, Washington.
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