This I Believe

Kruger, Otto

  • Otto Kruger describes his beliefs and faith in God and his consequent transformation, as a result of his beliefs, from a gullible person who enjoyed gossip to a more thoughtful, reasoned debater.
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And now, This I Believe. Here is Edward R. Murrow.
This I Believe. Otto Kruger is a veteran of the American stage and screen, with almost a half century of acting and nearly one hundred pictures to his credit. He was born in Toledo, Ohio, and got his education in the public schools, four colleges and in stock and repertoire companies. He has recently added television to his long list of credits. Here is Otto Kruger.
I always liked to believe things. It's comforting and nourishing to the mind. In fact, well, I once believed too easily. I had a gullible nature, and when someone with a forceful personality and convincing intelligence said something, I often listened without thinking, and I was swept off my feet into believing that what he had to say was true.
Well, then there are rumors. I loved them, and I passed them on, too. I suppose it was sort of a reporter instinct, the "now for a scoop" type. See, a friend would say, "What do you think of that so and so? Did you read what the paper said about him?" Oh, that was meat for me, I fed on it. But when I read the other fellow's side of the story, I-I felt like a fool. Now why couldn't I have waited until all the facts were in before passing judgment? And gradually, I learned my lesson.
Now I try not to believe until I'm sure. That way, I save myself much embarrassment and others much unhappiness. But there are other forms of thought disbelief. Now it seems to me, for instance, that a definite end of progress could result from the unqualified acceptance of this phrase: "All is well."
Now, what do I believe, then? Well, I believe that if I use the phrase, "All is well" in a certain way, if I use it with truth, good, and love in my heart, I can accept it. Good is well; good is godly; truth is well; truth is God; love is well; love is God. Therefore, "All is well."
I believe in God. I believe in him because his existence is proven in every phase of the universe. And this--like so many other things that I definitely know--is, to me, true believing, believing without doubt.
And so, having sorted out the things which I really do believe from those of which I have merely been convinced, I'm much more able to enjoy discussions and to listen to both sides of a question. And I've learned to ask myself some searching questions.
For instance, just because my father belonged to a particular political party, does that mean that I must belong to it? Does it mean that everything that other political parties do is completely wrong? And must I stubbornly refuse to listen to the other fellow's point of view?
And I've learned that by asking myself these questions, to stop hating the opposing candidate and all he stands for. Thinking it over carefully, I realize that neither can be entirely right or entirely wrong. You know it's really nice to find out that the other fellow has some good points, too.
I'm also learning to be a fairly good listener. I really enjoy arguments, because now these arguments have become intelligent
discussions. I've found it most worthwhile to give time for that important second thought before speaking and condemning. I suppose most of this mellowness in temperance is developed through experience. But I'm happier in my tolerance. I find it fun to form intelligent opinions. I enjoy discussions...well, because I learn by them. And I now read editorials instead of headlines.
And most important of all, I've learned that no lake can be sweet with bitter water flowing into it. Wrong believing can so easily become a habit. This I believe.
Those were the personal beliefs of Otto Kruger, whose stage and screen personality is known to several generations of movie- and theater-goers.