Protocol for studying cough frequency in people with pulmonary tuberculosis.

Tracey, Brian H.

Proaño, Alvaro.

Bravard, Marjory A.


  • Introduction: Cough is a key symptom of tuberculosis (TB) as well as the main cause of transmission. However, a recent literature review found that cough frequency (number of coughs per hour) in patients with TB has only been studied once, in 1969. The main aim of this study is to describe cough frequency patterns before and after the start of TB treatment and to determine baseline factors that ... read more
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  • Proaño A, Bravard MA, Tracey BH, et al. Protocol for studying cough frequency in people with pulmonary tuberculosis, BMJ Open 2016;6:e010365. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010365.
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