Nitric Oxide Inhibits Metamorphosis in Larvae of Crepidula fornicata, the Slippershell Snail.

Pechenik, Jan A.

Cochrane, David E.

Li, Wei.

West, Emily T.

Pires, Anthony.

Leppo, Maia.


  • This paper concerns the role of nitric oxide (NO) in controlling metamorphosis in the marine gastropod Crepidula fornicata. Metamorphosis was stimulated by the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitors AGH (aminoguanidine hemisulfate) and SMIS (S-methylisothiourea sulfate) at concentrations of about 100-1000 μmol l−1 and 50-200 μmol l−1, respectively. Metamorphosis was not, however, induced by the ... read more
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  • Jan A. Pechenik, David E. Cochrane, Wei Li, Emily T. West, Anthony Pires, and Maia Leppo, "Nitric Oxide Inhibits Metamorphosis in Larvae of Crepidula fornicata, the Slippershell Snail," The Biological Bulletin 213, no. 2 (October 2007): 160-171. DOI: 10.2307/25066632.
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